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Justice for Kevin Human! Everyone has a hero. Some of those heroes are a little bit mustier than others. However the mustiest of them all, and...

Tips and Tricks: Homicide edition

by Lars Martin Tip #1: If you ever have a knife covered in blood and you need to dispose of the evidence, just dip it in the vat of...

Schliss Knish

by Gautham Jayaraj A ransom note trembled in Mark Schlissel’s hands, hardened through years of pastry consumption and tuition raises....

Daily Writer Found Dead

by Anson Lee ANN ARBOR: Ann Arbor police are investigating the death of Michigan Daily editor Phil McKraken. McKraken was found dead in...

From the Editor,

by Madylin Eberstein Gargoyle did not kill Phil McKraken. Whoever said that is a dirty liar and probably a communications major. And...

Harbaugh's Stake

It made his heart flutter, the condom. He had found it on the sidewalk, just lying there, calling to him. When he saw it, he thought to...

Dearest Mark (again),

Hope this card finds you well (haha). That was just a little goofy banter from the good folks down at Gargoyle, because obviously you’re...

Foot in Mouth Disease

by Mady Eberstein Well, I'll be. If I had a nickel for every time I went and put my foot in my mouth, I’d be a goner. They say big things...

Spider-Man: Nobody's Home?

by Sujay Kulkarni Excited fans gearing up for the release of Marvel and Sony’s third Spider-Man movie this winter might be in for a bit...

Getting Ready

by Chris Hanlon She takes her time when it’s time to get ready Much to the annoyance of her boyfriend Fredy He has been ready since 2...

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